
The burden on patients

Anaemia of CKD has a substantial impact on patients' lives

It is associated with poor clinical outcomes and reduced quality of life.

Symptoms of anaemia overlap with those of CKD1 and may add to the burden of CKD.

Untreated anaemia may accelerate progression of CKD.

Current management of CKD is often sub-optimal

Concern about the risks of over-correcting haemoglobin may lead to under-treatment of patients.

How does it feel to live with anaemia of CKD?

What do your patients expect from their treatment?

Effective control of symptoms?
Improved quality of life?
Reduced impact on daily routine?
Simple administration?
Favourable tolerability?
Reassurance about risks of treatment?
CKD, chronic kidney disease; GI,
gastrointestinal; Hb, haemoglobin.

CKD, chronic kidney disease; GI, gastrointestinal; Hb, haemoglobin.

Patient benefits of OROXAT

OROXAT helps suitable patients achieve and maintain Hb targets

On top of their anaemia. At home with their treatment.

Oral treatment that can be taken at home

  • no special storage conditions
  • oral treatment does not require hospital visits for administration

Three times per week dosage, on non-consecutive days

Reduced use of IV iron compared with ESA

CKD, chronic kidney disease; DD, dialysis-dependent; ESA, erythropoiesis-stimulating agent; IV, intravenous; NDD, non-dialysis-dependent.

Which of your patients may benefit most?

Non Dialysis Patients

  • Routine oral iron
  • Iron replete
  • Hb below target
  • Poor adherence to oral iron

Just Started Dialysis

  • Routine iron
  • Iron replete
  • Hb below target

OROXAT is an oral tablet that provides Hb correction and maintenance comparable to ESA, with reduced use of IV iron

How can your patients get more out of OROXAT?

The leaflet below provide educational materials and simple advice to support patients during their treatment journey.

What you need to know about anaemia of CKD

Important information for patients and carers

DD, dialysis-dependent; ESA, erythropoiesis-stimulating agent; Hb, haemoglobin; IV, intravenous; TIW, three times weekly.

Reporting Adverse Events

Adverse events should be reported. Reporting forms and information can be found at  or search for MHRA Yellow Card in the Google Play or Apple App Store. Adverse events should also be reported to SKF Pharma Ltd. on 0800 783 5018